Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Coffee editing

In my very first blogpost i wrote about coffee and about good and bad aspects of it. I recommended a dayly intake of no more than 4 cups a day. After some more reseaching I should like to edit that statement. Many scientists agree that 300 milligrammes of caffeine a day is an adequate intake for a healthy and not pregnant person above the age of twelve. 300 milligrammes of caffeine may be found in 3 cups (0,75 litre) of coffee, a little more than one jolt Cola, almost a litre of Redbull or 3 litres of Coca Cola.

NOTE that you do not find the nutrtious minerals found in coffee, in the other drinks listed above.


Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Prodigious Protein Pasta

Wouldn't it be good to have a vegetarian alternative to meat-sauce full of proteins and tasty as ever - this Sauce is as good with pasta as with rice, bulgur or couscous. -NOT only for vegetarians; but for everybody. Many scientists agree that at least one vegetarian meal a week would do many, many people good and additionally it is good for the environment. This; for those of you who do not know, is because an animal only saves 15% of what it eats. Thus if it eats one kilogram of meat (I know pigs and alike don't eat meat; this is just an example); when you slaughter it, you will only have 150 grammes of meat left. It would then have been better to just eat the pig's food, you might think, and yes that's the idea of being a vegetarian (to many). So basically vegetarians eat the pig's food and can thus eat one kilogram of food when a meat-eater eats 150 grammes of food.

Found this marvellous recipe, edited it and tried it... One word; Terrific...

1/2 a decilitre of chopped leek
1/2 decilitre of lentils
1 decilitre of water

Pour these ingredients into a casserole and let simmer until the lentils are soft and creamy. Should take about 7 minutes. Put the cooked leek-lentils in a bowl (size does not matter).

Snake some oil into the unwashed casserole - be generous. Add 1,5 - 2 decilitres of shredded carrots. Let fry - stir meanwhile. After a few minutes; 2 mayhap (when the carrots have a yellowish colour to them - They shall not be entirely yellow; mostly orange but somewhat yellowish) Pour the leek-lentils into the casserole. Add also 2 decilitres of milk, one vegetable stock and two generous teaspoons of curd cheese. Never stop stirring after you've added the milk (you don't want it to burn). Let the mixture simmer for about 1-3 minutes. (depending on how well fried your carrots are and how hard your lentils are) Thereafter, Add some potato or corn starch premixed with water. When the sauce is creamy - remove from the heat and serve with pasta, rice, bulgur or couscous. If you start boiling pasta, rice... when you start to boil the lentils it should be done at about the same time as the sauce.


Saturday, 24 July 2010

Did you know that?

Jag såg en intressant sak på Tv häromdagen..
Visst ni att en kropp väger några kilo mindre efter att en människa avlidit? Nähä, men nu vet ni det.
Det som jag tycker är intressant är att man inte vet varför. Visst, det kan bero på att alla muskler slappnar av och då rinner ju oftast kroppvätskorna ut (dvs bajs och kiss)^^
Men så är det ju inte alltid, men man kan mäta att kroppen blir lättare. Vissa tror att det är själen som försvinner.. vad tror du?

Something to think about, right?

Friday, 23 July 2010

Surf your ass off! För endast 69 kr i månaden med Telenor!

Hallå i Blogosfären!

Jag antar att ni märkt att Mobila bredband är på modet just nu - De reklamförs rättså hårt om man säger så... 199kr i månaden och du kan surfa obegränsat med telenor... Ja men tänk om man inte vill lägga ut 199kr i månaden - Med mobil, TV, vanligt Bredband osv. kan kostnaderna lätt skena iväg. Och tänk om man bara har det på semestern... Jovisst det finns Kontant-bredband osv. men de är dyra! 289kr för en månad hos telenor!

Det finns dock en lösning! Den heter "Tethering".

Du behöver;

En 3G telefon som stödjer tethering Exempelvis K660i vilken stödjer HSDPA och har bra batteritid.

Ett kontantkort från telenor

En dator att surfa på

Tethering innebär att du kopplar en mobiltelefon till datorn för att utnyttja internet-anslutningen i telefonen för att surfa i datorn - Du kan alltså surfa på datorn via telefonen! Detta betyder att om du har telenor kontant kan du använda tjänsten 'Mobilsurf obegränsat 1Mbit' och surfa i 1 Mbit i sekunden med datorn för ynka 69kr i månaden!

Som sagt Mobilt bredband för 69kr i månaden UTAN bindningstid!


Mother's Marvellous Marmalade

So this is about the simplest thing you can do;

Take 2 kilogrammes of cleaned and peeled berries - 1 kg of Red Currants and 1 kg of Strawberries (the amounts of berries are not precise; if you've got 1,5 kg of strawberries and only 0,5 kg of Red Currants - then what the heck... Mix with 1kg of Granulated Sugar in a large pot. Let boil like mad for two minutes. Then remove the foam which has been elaborated. Remove the pot from the heat; if you haven't done so. Let cool down for 15 minutes. Pour into preservative glass-jars and put the lids on while the content is still hot.

As the content is hot when you put the lid on, a Vacuum is created inside the jar which preserves it. This happens as you surely understand, because the density is higher when an element is cold than when it's hot. Thus, when the atoms contract a vacuum is created.


You didn't expect that, did you?

Hello Blogosphere!

I jusst heard a very interesting thing on the radio; that circumcision actually decreases the risk of contracting HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) with; lo and behold; no less than 60%! And people who think certain religious people are out of their wits for cricumcising their spawns --> I ask myself; who are out of their wits?

This explains why for examle the muslim countries in northern Africa have been spared from the illness -> Some might say it's an act of god; I think not. However, I suppose one could say so, as it is a part of their religion (Not a part of the koran but of some Hadith; Hadiths are texts about Muhammed's life and traditions) So if not an act of god - then it's an act of Muhammed.

Jews are circumcising their spawns as well, though, as they are such a small and limited group of people I chose to draw paralells with the muslims.

In the United States, Canada, South Korea and New Zealand circumcision is also a part of the tradition.

Free circumcision is now offered in some South-African countries to prevent HIV from spreading.

I needed to have at least one rhyme: "I have a vision; it's called circumcision"


A sharp reader commented on that; the Muslim countries in northern Africa are not partly protected from HIV merely because their circumcised but also because they have another view of sex. Many Muslims have an orthodox way of looking at sex - that is to say, they think that one ought to have one partner and not have sex with anybody else. This of course, confines the spread of; not merely HIV but also other STDs (Sexually Transmitted Deceases). One might question, however, as my teacher once did when I brought up this very subject, whether this really applies to all Muslims. She wasn't so certain that this really was the case, that in many countries there occurs sex outside marriage - not quite as much as in the western world but still...


Thursday, 22 July 2010

Tuna mix; sinfully delicious on a slice of bread as well as with baked potato

Perfect for brunch!


2 decilitres of sour cream or crème fraiche (I haven't used crème fraiche so I don't know how that tastes but it was wonderful with sour cream and if you feel you don't need those additional calories (30% fat instead of 11%) then I think you ought to choose sour cream)
3 tablespoons of mayonnaise
1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard (I used regular mustard)
2 tablespoons of capers
1-3 teaspoons of (the delicious spice of) lemon-pepper

1 decilitre of red onion - finely-chopped
400 grammes (3 tins) of tuna.

Mix all the creamy ingredients and the lemon-pepper first then add the capers, the tuna and the onion.



Make the lentils (I used red ones)

1 decilitres of Lentils
2 decilitres of water
1/2 a teaspoon of salt
Let simmer for ten minutes or so.

Mix the lentils with 2 decilitres of water and liquidise.
Pour the lentil-liquid into a bowl. Add 5 decilitres of tepid water and 50 grammes of Yeast. Stir until the yeast has blended with the other ingredients. Then add 2 teaspoons of salt, 1/2 a decilitre of oil (corn, rape-seed or some other tasteless oil) and 1-2 tablespoons of syrup. Stir. Add 3-4 decilitres of oat flakes. Lets swell. After 5 minutes add wheat flour; 10-12 decilitres (until the dough is no longer sticky).

Let rise for about 45 minutes covered by a cloth (preferably in a warm place).

Shape two loaves and put them upon a baking sheet. Put the sheet upon the cooker and switch on the oven (175 degrees Celsius). Let the loaves rise for about half an hour then shove them into the middle of the oven and bake them for 25-30 minutes.

PS. I didn't make the picture it's taken from the ICA-website and I believe they hold the copyright.


I had the most wonderful Brunch...

Yesterday, I went with some friends to the coast to Denmark. We had a picnic by the beach, we bathed and had a generally nice time. I had brought some lentil-bread, some homemade tuna-mixture and some homemade jam. The recipes: you'll find'em here at the Blog.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Why does time escape?(!)

Hello Blogosphere

Today, I feel like the only thing I've managed to do since seven thirty AM, is that I've taken a bike ride in to the city (to buy fortune cookies, of which I will naturally blog once I've tried them). I have of course, as well, taken two walks, though since I do that everyday, that doesn't feel like the greatest achievement.

Tomorrow, however, I will make a day trip to Helsingborg with some friends. I am in this very moment making lentil-bread (will post the recipe as soon as I possibly can), which I will bring as nosebag.

This Evening, I am as well trimming my leg-muscles, I am also stretching using a new breathing technique, which I will describe thoroughly in a post.


Monday, 19 July 2010

Lasagna à Vegetabla

Koka Linser

1 del linser 2 delar vatten

En skvätt olja och en nypa salt

Bered lasagnesås 1; lägg allt detta i en gryta

De kokta linserna

Skala, hacka och stek 2 lökar – steks innan det läggs i Grytan

Skala och riv några morötter – steks innan det läggs i Grytan

1 burk majs

1 stor burk Champinjoner

2 msk Tomatpuré eller chillisås

2-6 vitlöksklyfter som pressas ner i grytan

½ msk Socker

1 msk Basilika

1 msk Oregano

2 tsk svartpeppar

2 tsk Italiensk salladskrydda

1 tsk Timjan/Mejram

grönsaksbuljongstärningar blandade i lite vatten

Krossade tomater 350-500g

Låt koka upp-


30-50g margarin eller smör

1dl mjöl

1 L mjölk

Gör en stuvning;

Smält fettet och häll i mjölet. Rör mycket. Häll i lite mjölk i taget. Rör till en slät smet innan du häller på mer mjölk.

Rör i vad för ost ni nu har hemma (smaka av) Jag använde Bonjour-ost med gräslökssmak och ädelost

Salta och peppra


Sunday, 18 July 2010

Novella today

Man and woman, baby and child, descend your high horse
Change you habits or feel remorse
This planet needs saving and I mean now
Don't lie around like a lazy old cow
The planet is heating, the poor ones are starving
This is your future, you're carving
Take action NOW! Is this what you want?
If not, then, we'll explain what can be done and what can't?
We will make a series of posts
Explaining and informing from coast to coast
Read and do your best - we'll try not to be vague
or else who knows what'll turn out to be our greatest plague

We will seriously do a series of posts related to the greatest problem of our time; that is; the environmental problem. We don't know exactly when but most probably withing a few days (as soon as I've spoken to Julia about it) By the by, we might, and I say might, be seeing a new poster on this blog as of the start of the Environmental-posts-series.

Saturday, 17 July 2010

That Gummie Gummie'll Make You Yummie Yummie

Pun's finished - now today's interesting fact:

Did you know that chewing a gum may make you loose 11 pound (5 kilograms) in one year.

A study made by American scientists shows that chewing a gum makes you burn 11 extra kcals per hour - this is twice as much calories as you would burn by standing instead of sitting down. This means that if you chew a gum 12 hours a day, you will in one year's time loose 11 pounds worth of body fat.

Other good things about chewing gums;

- As when chewing your mouth is filled with saliva, caries and other bacteria won't assault your teeth.

- It tastes good

- You have something to do that keeps you from thinking about what's for dinner (when you're hungry) That way you don't eat snacks etc.

Bad aspects;

- You might become addicted - which is rather expensice

- As gums promotes the production of saliva, the body prepares itself for food which means that you become hungry (I suppose this changes with time because I experience this no more; after having chewed gums more or less everyday, frequently for six months).

- Choose a sugarfree gum or else your teeth will go holey like an Emmentaler-cheese

Friday, 16 July 2010

Health-Guru Oskar Informs

Hello Blogosphere!

I know that I didn't update yesterday, but luckily Julia did so... Yesterday was one of those 'lazy-days' if you know what I mean - didn't quite get anything done... I decided, yesterday, however, that today would be better - that is to say, more of a constructive day, on which was supposed to do both yoga, cooking, blogging and writing - Well you see how well that unraveled... Not so, I have done yoga, cooking and soon blogging - but mostly, I've just chilled - But what the heck, it is summer-holidays, n'est-ce pas?

Anyway, the reason why I'm blogging, disregarding the fact that I feel that I must, is that I, today, have discovered a healthier lifestyle (or something). "Yeah", I know, It sounds like one of those rags like "Se&hör" (in Sweden) (Something like 'star' in the united states) (seriously doubt that such crap magazines exists in Britain). How much it ever might sound like something taken from a rag, I must say I consider it a sincere assertion. You see, yesterday, I saw the most exiting teaser on the series 'Sex Education Show' with the lovely, fresh and upfront reporter Anna Richardson. I decided that, I'd check on TV3Play (The Swedish channel 3's on Demand-service) to see whether I could watch the last episode there... I couldn't...

Instead I checked whether '' offered anything on the subject. It did and there I also found out that the commercially powered British channel4 served it on Demand. A few (swear)words of delight might have slipped me at this point :-P

Link Channel4;
( )

Thus, I watched about 14 or so episodes of 'Sex Education Show' earlier today. It is not as bad as it sounds though. This isn't one of those 'porn-shows' actually is educative and informative. It is hard to explain, I can promise you that, But the show doesn't make you feel filthy, had you been watching 'Another Gay Movie', it makes you feel healthy, self-ascertained and confident. It does not make you feel deficient in anyway - au contraire - I promise.

Another thing I discovered today, Is that eating is not as hard as I earlier thought. You see, with all those diet-tips out there one feels rather uncomfortable - can I eat that - Oh my god it has 15% fat... So forth. It wasn't like I was following a diet or so but you know, one tend to be affected (especially since I was rather over-weight as a child). Today, however, I read a part of my old cooking-class-book from compulsory-school and I found that the method used in that book was so simple. When it's party, it's party and when it's not, it's not. So don't eat 'wasted calories' (candy, cookies and chips etc.) when it's and everyday-day. When there's a party - sure have some, but not too much. Another tip, which I really liked was that, that once a week one should eat a meat-free-meal. Meat is expensive, deficient and bad for the environment, so eat less.

This was tips from 'tha' Health-Guru



Thursday, 15 July 2010


Så, idag är det jag som skriver, surprise!
Jag har inte riktigt haft tid att skriva denna veckan, det är därför jag har varit kass på att uppdatera mig (dålig ursäkt, men ack så sann)

Jag var med en väldigt god vän Gabriella vid havet i helsingborg i måndags. Det behövde jag, en riktig girls day! Det var länge sedan, jag känner att jag nästan slutat umgås med folk, och det känns inte så bra. Men i alla fall, vi var i helsingborg, och solen stekte verkligen mot skinnet, det var nästan obehagligt varmt, och eftersom det just var så varmt var det också lite jobbigt att gå ner i havet när man kände att man snart skulle få solsting. Jo, vattnet räckte en till midjan direkt efter att man klivit i, och ja, de känsligare delarna fick en liten chock! Hehe!
Väl nere i vattnet var det en snubbe som kastade en boll i Gabbies huvud, och den jäkeln bad inte ens om ursäkt. Det är något jag ogillar skarpt, att folk inte ber om ursäkt längre. De skrattar lite och säger ofta "oj".

Vi var också med i en tävling, tele 2 anordnade den.. vi vann inte biljetter till The Ark. Det var en "gissa introt" tävling. Vi fick den hemska kategorin "Balader från 2000-talet". Både jag och Gabbie kände direkt att det här inte var vår grej. Det visade sig att det inte heller var det.. Vi fick ett poäng (fatta hur dåliga vi är), men snubben som höll tävlingen fick det till att vi hade 3? Knasboll? Vi fick i alla fall tröstprid, ett frankfår från tele2, som nu sitter på pappas kontor i malmö, tillsammans med en stor pingvin^^
Efter äckliga skoskav från min mors snygga skor och några kronor fattigare begav vi oss hem, till jaa...ensamheten!

Viva La Moi!

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Onion's Peeled

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The onion's having a fry

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The Bouillon's going in the soup

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The Soup's simmering

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Voilà Marvellous Onion Soup

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My superb soupe à l'oignon

Hello World!

Today, I ve made a delicious French onion soup. I found the recipe on the Internet on a French website:

500 grammes of onions
30 - 50 grammes of flour(depending on wether you like it thick or runny)
13 decilitres of meat-bouillon
Salt & Pepper
Garnish with;
Crème Bonjour cuisine 13% with any taste you like (I used chives and shallot)
Sliced bread

1. Peel the onions
2. Fry the onions in butter, margarine or oil - I prefer oil when frying vegetables
3. Add the flour when the onions have got some colour and stir agitatedly
4. Add the Bouillon and let simmer for 15 minutes
5. When the soup is nice and thick, serve with small cubes of bread and liberal amounts of Crème Bonjour.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

I love audiobooks!..

...though having listened to the Harry Potter-books 5-10 times (Depending on which book- think I've listened to the fourth one the most - circa 10 times) I feel like it's time to try something new. My friend Linda, happened to mention that the book 'Pride and prejudice' was a nice read and thus I decided on giving it a try. If it's any good... Remains to see :-)

Have you read it? Is it any good? Have you read a book which you should like me to read(Or rather listen to as I have dreadfully little time to read)?- Leave a comment;


Monday, 12 July 2010

Stretching stretching, have I gone too far?

Today, I was out taking my general walk when suddenly I fancied taking a stretch... I found a high enough fence - yes you read right fence. A fence seems harmless enough, right? So I kicked up my leg and placed it upon one of the poles of which the fence consisted. Then I started stretching. One leg done, I kicked up the other one... Ouch! I landed it, not upon the pole but on the string running between the poles and what more is, it wasn't any string either, it was an electrically charged string, designed to keep kettle in the field... Ouch, ouch and ouch.


Sunday, 11 July 2010


Today, we've got a temperature of about 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit) in Sweden. The atmospheric humidity is very high and I feel nothing less than exhausted... I wonder if this has to do with the heat and the humidity for in that case, I don't think I like this heat very much - it makes every muscle in my body feel exhausted had I trained for hours, not to mention that it makes my head go foggy...

Have you experienced or are you experiencing this? Do you mayhap know why we're feeling like this? Please leave a comment :-)

And by the way the coffee isn't making anything better either...

Saturday, 10 July 2010

To the scums of this society

Did you know that in Sweden, a criminal has a better life than an old person. Yes, it really is true, awful right? There's a rule that says; that a criminal must breath fresh air once a day - a person living at an old people's home is happy if he may breath fresh air once a year! And about the food; three times as much money is spent on the criminals' food compared with the old people's. Three bloody times as much! Do the scums deserve that?! I mean we can make nutritious food for our pigs and that costs mayhap 3 pence a pig - do the pigs within bars deserve better food?

As this makes me so angry I decided to make a novella Today:

A scum is always a scum - he shalln't live of the society like some sort of bum
He has broken his chances beyond repair - he can no longer live in flare
His crack has been sold, he is becoming old
He doesn't deserve respect, for he is now and for all eternity defect
He deserves no money, food or freedom, his life is now condemned to whoredom


Gudrun Schyman - en smart liten dam :-)

Gudrun Schyman... Hon brände inte mindre än 100 000 kronor i en demonstration mot att kvinnor tjänar mindre pengar än män med samma jobb. Då jag först hörde detta tyckte jag att det var dumt och onödigt, men ju mer jag tänkte på det destå smartare framträdde det.

"En halvsides annons i en kvällstidning hade jag inte fått för denna summa", eller något liknanade, sade Gudrun innan hon satte fyr på pengarna. Och om detta nu är sant så tycker jag att detta är ett mycket effektivare och tydligen billigare sätt att nå ut med detta budskap. on använder gratis-reklamen. DVS. Hon gör något o acceptabelt och i rapporteringen om det sprids hennes budskap - på detta sätt når budskapet även folks middagsbord och fika-raster. Då det talar om schyman talar de om pengarna och då kommer frågan upp = Varför? I protest mot kvinno förtrycket... etc.

Tummen upp Schyman :-)


I was lured to the Lake of Lure-Lake ... again and again

Hello Blogosphere!

I have been bathing today *cough* Yeah right, bathing, you wish.*

Well, really there wasn't much bathing going on there, I was mostly just reading, though you will be surprised to hear that I really did take a bath. A trick of Anna's (a friend of my mother's) lured me into descending to waist height into the lake's water. And what more is, she lured me into staying there the whole weekend and there's no bloody Internet-connection there! Dot dot dot - I will as follows not be able to blog on the day after tomorrow unless I manage to post a little something in the evening when I come home.

I am desolated about this, I must say. I feel sorry for you all and I hope that, though I'm not blogging as often as I would like to, you will continue to read what I am writing.


Friday, 9 July 2010

Hello I'm finally back!

Yes indeed I am back; been back for a few hours, I have. However, I feel rather tired and my body feel as tender as ever before. I have ridden my bicycle (with the most uncomfortable seat anybody has ever sat on, I don't doubt) 8 Swedish miles - equals about 50 English miles.

Now, why in the name of Merlin would he want to ride 50 miles on a bicycle most uncomfortable?, you might ask yourselves? Well, you see, I did it all for you! You readers... I forgot the recharger fitting my Asus 1000H miniPC - that meant that I was unable to blog anything, which naturally would have been a horrific occurrence, especially as I had not blogged anything for four entire days. There was naught to do but to heave my normal sized backside onto the seat of my bicycle and ride away...

As I have spent a few days at my Grandmother and Grandfather's place, I have not been able to buy the Xperia X10 mini Pro which I have so carefully been planning to buy for quite some time now. I must thus buy it fast as possible so that I'll be out and about at the same time whilst blogging.

Backside aching had it fallen off; //OSS

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Jag är officiellt världens sämsta bloggerska! Jag måste erkänna det, för er och för mig själv. Men ja, varför fortsätter jag egentligen? Skall jag vara helt ärlig så vet jag inte. Men det är ändå rätt skönt ibland. Att uttrycka sin glädje, sorg eller agritioner^^

Idag skall jag och min familj - pappa, men + Erik, åka till Vannås. Det är ett litet "kulturställe" skulle man väl kunna kalla det. Vi skall åka dit för att vi är så kulturella *host* och för att vi tycker att det är otroligt mysigt där! =)


Monday, 5 July 2010

See you in a few days

Hello monde!

Today I depart for my grandparent's place. They have got no internet and thus I cannot blog. You'll have to do without me for two or three days...


Sunday, 4 July 2010

C'est official! J'adore risotto

La Risotto, c'est super, elle est doux, elle est crèmeuse... Je l'aime...

Et ma recette;

100 - 150g de Bacon

Deux oignons doux taillé normals.

Une - deux cuillières à soupe d'huile (Quand le bacon est gras, utilisez une cuillière à soup.

Deux décilitres de Riz

Cinq - six décilitres d'eau avec du bouillon

Ca 150 grammes de Maîs

Ca 150 grammes de petis pois.

Un décilitre de crème - ou - crème fraiche - ou - fromage bonjour - ou - fromage normal - ou - permesan.

Coupez le bacon en tranches fines. Mets les tranches dans un casserole grosse et serpentez un peu d'huile sur le bacon. Allumez la cuisinère et attandez jusqu'à ce qu'il est chaud. Ensuite, coupez les oignons en pièces pitites. Mets les oignons dans la casserole chaude. Melangez avec un scoop. Ajoutez le riz et melangez. Réduisez la chaleur un peu et ensuite ajoutez l'eau avec du bouillon et les légumes. Laissez bouillir pour peut-être sept minutes. Melangez la risotto de temps en temps. Quand elle est crèmeuse, ajoutez la crème. Melangez, autrement elle va brûlant. Suprime la casserole quand la Risotto est vraiment crèmeuse.

Servez avec salade.


Stretch it, stretch it and stretch it!

Today, after having taken a walk at ten past midnight, I did some stretching, trying to reach a split. My muscles felt tense and they disliked my attempts...


Saturday, 3 July 2010

White Bread including the o-so wanted Dietary fibre

When visiting City gross, I ran into the wonderful world of flours. You see, I just love baking and thus I love trying out new sorts of flour etc. However, whilst looking at that shelf, the flour-shelf, I saw something with the label 'Pofiber'. After reading the ingredient-list I realised that I was holding a box of potato fibers - in other words potato peels. This is a great way of taking care of that garbage, I thought. And then I read the list of nutritive content - 70% dietary fibers... 'Without taste, without texture; easy to melange into a dough for white bread to make it rich in dietary fiber without changing the texture or taste.'

What a great innovation, I thought. And so I bought it; and yesterday I used it whilst making French bread - One word - Marvelous...


Friday, 2 July 2010

The cellular telephone, the, according to many indispensable gadget

Greetings readers!

As you might have read, or assembled, from what I've written here at the Blog, my cellphone has taken a bath (in the salty Mediterranean sea). I have used an old cellphone for about two weeks now and I'm longing to buy a new one. Though there's much to consider before buying a new telephone, not least, the price.

However, the loss of my telephone was not as horrible as it might seem to you; I had been looking for a new one for quite a while (since January). In February, I saw a prototype of the telephone Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 mini pro - an Android smartphone... I saw the potential in the gadget at once of course; that it had Android as an OS (Operating System) was a clear advantage; not to mention the seriously well-spaced qwerty-keyboard.

For those of you who don't know; android is the clear contestant to Apple's OSX -with the slight difference that android stands for freedom whilst Apple stands for chauvinism (I wouldn't expect you iPhone-lovers to comprehend...).

However, with that telephone, which by the way was out on the shelves two (or three I'm not certain) days ago, I'll be able to blog while on the go - Isn't that great!

We'll see whether I'll buy that telephone or not.


Thursday, 1 July 2010

Enjoy it:-D

For once in a while i feel like I can connect to Julia, I've also seen Sex and the City, 3 episodes, in fact. Nevertheless, it's a good series, I think. It's not all about sex, as Julia wrote, though sex's a big part of it. However, she also wrote that you should have sex if you enjoy it, because life's to short to fill with boring events.

I thought this required a novella Today:

Whether you're young or old, whether you're freshly baked or covered in mould
Take a grip on yourself, enjoy it now, before, you fall of the shelf
By it, I mean life, whether you're single or somebody's husband or wife
Do what you'd like, cheer up now, do that which you know they would not allow
Sex might be forbidden, even hidden, but confined is the one that stoops to what's bidden
Calls you a slut(!), I would tell them to keep the feeding gap tightly shut
Be strong, assert, people will think you're cool and you need not convert
However, however, you and your life shall not yet sever.


SEX and the CITY

Jag har funderat över vad det är som gör Sex and The city till en sådan bra/rolig serie. Som en snubbe sade en gång: " De är bara ett gäng slampor som har sex med allt som rör sig." Detta är sant, men varför ses detta egentligen som smutsigt? Spelar det någon roll? Är det egentligen något fel på det? Är det viktigaste inte att man njuter av livet. ( Nu säger jag inte att man skall sticka knivar i folk, bara för att en del "njuter" av det)
Om vi ser på Samantha, den äldsta av dem och också den största slampan, hon ligger verkligen med ALLA, eller ja, i stort sätt i alla fall. Trivs hon med det? svar: Ja. Skäms hon över det? Svar: nej, verkligen inte. Hon trivs med det, hon är lycklig och framgångsrik. Som de säger i ett ganska tidigt avsnitt av serien. Att kvinnor kan också ha sex som män (säger vekligen inte att alla män är sådana) , vi borde också ha det! Utan känslor efteråt. Samantha är ett perfekt exenplar av en sådan kvinna. (hon är också den intressantaste och roligaste personen i serien, vilket inte riktigt är så viktigt just nu). Det jag egentligen vill framföra är att även män är slampor, det vet vi ju egentligen, men det nämns inte ofta, och ses inte som lika smutsigt... det stör mig^^

Varför jag snackar om Sex And The City serien är eftersom vi har blivit lite smått beroende av den här hemma nu över sommaren.. Hallå, ni som inte sett den.. sätt igång!
Den handlar inte bara om sex, även om det är en del av serien. Serien försöker också få fram "att kvinnor också kan". That's it!

/// Julia