Yes indeed I am back; been back for a few hours, I have. However, I feel rather tired and my body feel as tender as ever before. I have ridden my bicycle (with the most uncomfortable seat anybody has ever sat on, I don't doubt) 8 Swedish miles - equals about 50 English miles.
Now, why in the name of Merlin would he want to ride 50 miles on a bicycle most uncomfortable?, you might ask yourselves? Well, you see, I did it all for you! You readers... I forgot the recharger fitting my Asus 1000H miniPC - that meant that I was unable to blog anything, which naturally would have been a horrific occurrence, especially as I had not blogged anything for four entire days. There was naught to do but to heave my normal sized backside onto the seat of my bicycle and ride away...
As I have spent a few days at my Grandmother and Grandfather's place, I have not been able to buy the Xperia X10 mini Pro which I have so carefully been planning to buy for quite some time now. I must thus buy it fast as possible so that I'll be out and about at the same time whilst blogging.
Backside aching had it fallen off; //OSS
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