Friday, 23 July 2010

You didn't expect that, did you?

Hello Blogosphere!

I jusst heard a very interesting thing on the radio; that circumcision actually decreases the risk of contracting HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) with; lo and behold; no less than 60%! And people who think certain religious people are out of their wits for cricumcising their spawns --> I ask myself; who are out of their wits?

This explains why for examle the muslim countries in northern Africa have been spared from the illness -> Some might say it's an act of god; I think not. However, I suppose one could say so, as it is a part of their religion (Not a part of the koran but of some Hadith; Hadiths are texts about Muhammed's life and traditions) So if not an act of god - then it's an act of Muhammed.

Jews are circumcising their spawns as well, though, as they are such a small and limited group of people I chose to draw paralells with the muslims.

In the United States, Canada, South Korea and New Zealand circumcision is also a part of the tradition.

Free circumcision is now offered in some South-African countries to prevent HIV from spreading.

I needed to have at least one rhyme: "I have a vision; it's called circumcision"


A sharp reader commented on that; the Muslim countries in northern Africa are not partly protected from HIV merely because their circumcised but also because they have another view of sex. Many Muslims have an orthodox way of looking at sex - that is to say, they think that one ought to have one partner and not have sex with anybody else. This of course, confines the spread of; not merely HIV but also other STDs (Sexually Transmitted Deceases). One might question, however, as my teacher once did when I brought up this very subject, whether this really applies to all Muslims. She wasn't so certain that this really was the case, that in many countries there occurs sex outside marriage - not quite as much as in the western world but still...



  1. You haven't considered other or more explantions to why HIV is less common in the arab countries? As for example different sexual behaviour?

  2. @The big D

    Thank you for your criticism I shall edit the post as soon as possible :-D

  3. @The big D

    By the way, It's nice that you're reading our Blog! Keep leaving comments and tips - We love'em! :-D
