No kidding here, I really am back; back from Turkey that is. After one long (and from time to time tiresome week) I am once more sitting in front of my Asus 1000H writing another blog-post. - Don't misinterpret me though, I'm not complaining, my week in Turkey wasn't bad at all - certainly it didn't unravel the way I had expected it to; the bus's "air-conditioning-contraption" gave in on the way to the Antalya-airport for one thing and that was not the only mishappening that occured either. About that, however, I will tell you more in seperate blog-posts.
To all of you who are following my blog;I hope you've had patience with me; not having written anything in more than a week, and that you understand that I wouldn't have had time to blog in Turkey (had i had my conmputer with me that is).
And to all my friends at school; the reason why you have recieved no SMS:s is because my telephone took a bath in the mediterranean sea on the second day of the holidays.
// Oss
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